Manuals for download:

DryPad Manual

Drysofa Manual

Drytomini Manual

Drytomita Manual

Easy Fry Manual

Luzinha Night Light Manual

M4 Water Dispenser Manual

Portable Blender Manual

Momo Sleeve Manual

Momo Glow Manual


How much does shipping cost?

We offer free shipping options all over the USA!


How quickly will I receive my Momo Lifestyle Product(s)?

Depending on the chosen shipping method and delivery destination, transit times vary between 1-7 working days.


How does the Momo Lifestyle product warranty work?

All our products are issued with a 12 month (1 year) warranty. Defective products will be repaired or replaced during the warranty period so long as the damage is not caused by incorrect use. If we cannot repair or replace your product, we shall provide you with a full refund. Please refer to our refund policy page here for more information.


How does Momo Lifestyle's technical support work?

Our team is ready to help you with any questions you may have, even during weekends! You may call or text us on the following number: (305) 929 8850, email us at, or consult our refund policy.


See below for product manuals and FAQ's relating to specific products: