Black and white?
Yes, black and white are the base colors of minimalism. However, it's possible to use any color palette that has a proposal with less contrast. This is the case with monochromatic palettes, where only one color is used, with small variations in tones. This way, it's possible to offer color without taking away the subtlety of minimalism.

Bringing colors to minimalism breaks the coldness of white, bringing more comfort and coziness to the environment. You can also introduce elements to help in the process, such as a lamp, cushions, rugs, and textures.

Dark colors like wine, brown, charcoal gray, navy blue, and light colors like off-white, rose, heather, and beige are colors to bet on.

There are no rules
But don't forget that the minimalist style values keeping less information, with basic items and few visual details. However, you are the best person to say what is or is not essential for you, both in your life and in your home.
Therefore, first of all, know that minimalism is much more than an aesthetic preference, it is a tool that can help to leave aside excesses, making room for a life of greater freedom with only the necessary.